Here’s the deal… it has been my life quest to find the deadliest, most effective routine to make a woman fall in love with me. And I believe that I have found it… in the form of fractionation.
Heck, truly, it had taken me a good few years to find out what the fractionation formula is…
… and the good news is that you can learn this from me in this article today (as well as an Action Checklist cum Cheat Sheet that you are going to get from me for free… details below).
Well, I’m sure you’re excited, because once you have learned Fractionation, making women fall in love with you will be as trivial as grabbing a lollipop from a three year old. Serious!
Table of Contents
Now before we delve deeper into the Fractionation hypnosis technique, there’s one basic principle about dating and love that you will need to know.
This is important, so pay attention, ok?
Here’s what you must first understand…
A woman is naturally wired to want to be subservient to men in order to be truly happy.
I can see some bra-burning feminists already foaming in the mouth baying for my blood for saying that, but who cares?
People who are easily offended by the true nature of humans (and in particular, women) should just leave this site and go read some Mills and Boon novel. Seriously.
And if you’re still here, there’s something else that you need to be aware of, though…
This guide on Fractionation can be quite detailed which means that most guys may have problems REMEMBERING what they have read by the end of this article…
…and guess what? You can’t ACT UPON what you can’t REMEMBER. 🙂
And as you already know, TAKING ACTION is everything when it comes to getting better with women. Even the best seduction technique in the world is as useless as goat piss if you don’t USE it… right?
So what I’ve done for you is that I’ve created an Action Checklist which has got everything (yes, everything) you will need to know about Fractionation inside a handy, 12-page PDF document.
Whenever you want to use Fractionation to seduce women, just go through the steps and checklists inside this document and you’ll be ready to go. It’s as simple as that!
Here’s where to get the Action Checklist for free:
There’s one catch though…
When you’ve downloaded the Action Checklist, kindly refrain from sharing it online, alright? It’s for you, and you only. 🙂
Fractionation Formula: What’s In It?
To put it simply, Fractionation is a Mind Control hypnosis technique which puts a woman under your control and dominance.
I’ll tell you how you can use Fractionation on women next, but first, I want you to do this quick mental exercise with me.
Picture in your mind (as clearly as you can) that woman that you want to seduce. Imagine her as if she’s right in front of you right now, smiling sweetly.
So far, so good?
Next imagine her on her knees, looking at you and yearning for your affection and approval.
She’s totally head over heels in love with you, and will do anything (yes, anything) to make you love her back.
How does that feel?
Now what if I tell you that this may well come true in a week or two from now?
I know this sounds too good to be true, and I really don’t blame you for being a little skeptical… especially if you have read too many fantastic-sounding Pickup Artist (PUA) blogs which seem to promise the world and yet fail to deliver.
Take heart that Fractionation is NOT a Pickup Artist trick, and if anything, it’s as anti-Pickup Artist as it gets.
Fractionation is a Mind Control technique which means that it is entirely different from anything you’ve seen before… I can pretty much promise you this.
In short, you’re going to discover how to use industrial grade Mind Control techniques to attract women in record speed.
Before learning Fractionation, however, I’d highly recommend that you first attend a quick “online Masterclass” which will equip you with the basics on how to use Mind Control to seduce women. What I’m going to describe next below will make much more sense to you once you have the basic knowledge from this quick Masterclass.
For a free invite to Derek Rake’s Masterclass on Mind Control, enter your email below –

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Remember to take lots of notes!
When you’re done with the above, then continue with the rest of this guide. 🙂
Why Women Are Vulnerable To Fractionation
Now that you’ve got an understanding of how Mind Control works from the Masterclass above (seriously, don’t miss it for the world!), here’s a quick pop quiz:
Why Mind Control is so much more effective compared to, say, Pickup Artist trickery?
Here’s the answer…
Every woman is hard-wired to be ADDICTED to certain psychological triggers, and these addictions are what make them easily manipulated by guys who know Mind Control.
I am not here to discuss the morality of Mind Control in manipulating women psychology, but here’s what’s undeniably true –

If you know Mind Control techniques (such as Fractionation), then you’re in a position to exploit this particular weakness in a woman’s mind which would make her subservient to you anything you want.
Sounds amazing? Sure. Is it true though? You can bet your momma’s sweet ass it is!
The world’s most complete list of female mind weaknesses is found inside Derek Rake’s seminal work the Shogun Method, but for the purpose of this guide on Fractionation, we will only focus on one particular weakness:-
Inside every woman’s mind is a hidden addiction to emotional roller coasters.
Here’s what it means…
Females seem to can’t get enough of stuff like soap operas on TV, chick flicks like ““Eat Pray Love”, romance novels or cheesy songs by hacks like Michael Buble.
Have you ever wondered why?
Well, here’s the reason: those shows, books and songs take the viewer or reader through an emotional roller coaster by making her go through a cycle of sadness and happiness with their story lines.
And you know what… when a female goes through an emotional roller coaster, her mind automatically ASSUMES an emotional connection with the story (and the storyteller).
Similarly, you can “trick” a woman’s mind into ASSUMING that she has got a strong emotional connection with you if you can bring her through an emotional roller coaster with you.
And the easiest way to get a woman through an emotional roller coaster (using nothing but words) is… well, you guessed it – through Fractionation.
Read on… exciting stuff ahead!
Fractionation Seduction: The Ultimate Guide
Let’s get into the meat and potatoes of this guide, shall we?
Here’s the first step you need to take in order to Fractionate a woman:
Make her recall and describe a past incident which made her feel especially happy.
To start, you can use the following word-for-word:
Remember the time when you felt really happy and out of this world. What happened? Why were you happy?
Important: you’ve got to describe the happy incident as clearly and as detailed as she can. What you want to do is to get her to re-live that experience vividly in his mind so that she feels happy at this particular moment.
(This is the TOP of the emotional roller coaster.)
When this is done, then ask her (again, you can use this word-for-word):
Think back to a time when you felt particularly depressed or sad? What happened? Describe to me how you felt exactly?
Similarly, get her to describe that incident as vividly as possible. This is the BOTTOM of the emotional roller coaster.
What that is done, it’s time to bring her back UP again in the emotional roller coaster. You do this by telling her a happy incident which she can relate to.
See that she lightens up, and then hit her with a sad story to bring her back down again. (If you need to, make something up!)
Rinse, and repeat.
Some women react immediately to these roller coasters, while others may take repeated exposures to Fractionation before giving in. Just keep plowing… and her barriers will crumble down like dominoes.
And soon, she will develop an emotional addiction to you, just like how she couldn’t resist soap operas and chick flicks no matter what she does. It’s pretty powerful!
Fractionation To Get Ex Back
Shortly after this Fractionation Seduction guide was published, I had received a couple of messages from readers along these lines:
“Frank, is it possible to use Fractionation to get an ex-girlfriend back?”
The answer to that question is a YES.
If anything, Fractionation works even better when it comes to ex-girlfriends or wives. Why? It’s because you’ve got a wealth of past experiences WITH her (good AND bad) which you can use to compose your Fractionation questions with.
And because you’ve shared those experiences with her, her recall of those past incidences will be more vivid and powerful. And with you as one of the “characters” in those experiences, it will make it much easier to re-establish rapport and attraction, too.
Make no mistake: getting an ex back can be rather tricky, but with Fractionation your chances of succeeding will indeed go up tremendously. For a detailed description on how to use Fractionation to get an ex-girlfriend or wife back, watch this short video –
Press play and turn up the volume, OK? 🙂
Word Of Caution
Before you go all out and use Fractionation on that special woman that you want to seduce, bear this in mind: there’s one downside to Fractionation that you must know, and it is this…
Mind Control techniques are known to damage a woman’s psyche permanently if used indiscriminately.
What that means is this –
Once you’ve seen Fractionation in action, it’s very tempting to overdo it since it works so well, but repeated exposures to Fractionation may well hurt a woman’s psychology in a very bad way.
I’ve known of some guys who would purposely use Fractionation (or other Mind Control techniques or systems like the Shogun Method) to exact revenge on women who had perhaps hurt them in the past.
Needless to say, I’m against using this knowledge to cause harm on anyone. Therefore, if you’ve got bad intentions against women, please go away (or maybe get some help.)
If you promise to do only good things with this information (like, you’re genuinely in love with a woman and will only want her to be happy with you), then I’d suggest that you learn more about how to use Mind Control to get her to be with you.
Click on the button below for the legendary Mind Control Masterclass by Derek Rake –
You’ll need to enter your email address in order for Derek to see if you qualify for the Masterclass (not everyone is accepted.)
My best,
Frank “Fractionator” Sedona
Can Fractionation be used in long distance relationships? And how?
Sounds very good, but do you have any tips on how to PRACTICE these in the field? I suspect there are lots of keyboard jockies just reading this article and not doing anything…
And when she rips to shreds in bed, bro? Then what?
Can keep up with her libido? Bye!
How does one going about recovering from being a victim of this type of psychological abuse?
You need to ask the guy who did it to you to “undo” it…
But as far as I know, nobody could undo Shogun Method… unless it’s Derek Rake, maybe, since he came up with it!
What if someone from one of the most manipulative places, where manipulation is the only way to live and survive like prison got ahold of a 10 step guide that takes a piece of every hypnosis, mind control, brain washing, fractionation, manipulation, narcissistic, keep the lie going technic there is from the top A++++ seducers who ever wrote a book about how to get any girl to fall in love with you. How do you reverse that process? Or can you? I’ve been studying every method & have read every book there is for 12 yrs and nothing works! Nothing compares to that 10 step guide which is only 20 to 30 pages at the most!! I’ve studied human psychology, and everything about how the human mind and human nature! Nothing works!! The one and only thing that worked but only for 1 wk. & no joke truly being serious, a magical love spell!! Please please, I’m begging and pleading to you that I’ve invested all the money I have into every new book, every Shogun technique, every dark psychology out there and nothing. The only thing I haven’t tried is selling my soul to devil!! Which I believe he may have done!! He’s got a Satanist pentacle on his right shoulder and someone told me that appeared after he sold his soul to have Satans power of seduction!. If cut that fucker off he’ll lose all control over her and anyone else he’s used it on. I need help this is a code red emergency please! I don’t want to ruin my life for something!! Help me Derek I know you gotta have one last trick up your sleeve and I know you have seen this at least once before in your time!!