There has been lots of buzz lately about this elusive seduction technique called Fractionation. First “discovered” by eminent psychologists Sigmund Freud and then later further developed by the Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) founder John Grinder, it was first adapted to be used in dating and seduction by hidden experts in the seduction subculture.
The technique was first only used within the confines of the seduction underground, but when it received mass media attention (partly due to the expose of the seduction community by Neil Strauss, or known as “Style” in the community) through his New York Times bestseller “The Game: Penetrating The Secret Society Of Pickup Artists“, it resulted in a minor controversy.
What’s amazing about the fractionation technique is that it is said to be one of the few “forbidden patterns” which provides the ultimate shortcut to seduction success. Needless to say, it has become one of the most sought after techniques in the seduction world… especially those who are in the hunt for legitimate “how to seduce women” advice.
At its rawest form, the technique seem to be a little “generic”, but experts have modified the technique into what are now known as the Dark Rake Method (Derek Rake’s version) and the October Man Sequence (the technique mentioned inside Neil Strauss’ book). Other similar patterns are the “Rising Sun” and the “Death Pattern”.
So what’s the big deal about fractionation? Well, for starters, there have been reports that master seducers have been using the technique to bed women successfully in 15 minutes – from start till finish. Nobody can really verify this of course, but there is a certain mystique around the technique.
Is Fractionation Illegal…?
The usage of fractionation in seduction was once discouraged by the very people who invented it in the first place, strangely.
There have been concerns that the technique could be misused because it could harm a woman’s psyche – temporarily OR permanently. Therefore, it has been argued that the fractionation technique should only be confined to those who are deemed to be “responsible” enough to use it only for good.
This notion of restricting the use of fractionation came about when Derek Rake released a “formula” which greatly simplifies the technique in a way that it can be used by a complete beginner (click here for the FractionationX method – there’s no guarantee that it’s still online by the time you read this). Alternatively, read about our review about Derek Rake’s work here in the Shogun Method review.

Users of that formula (as shown in the comments which follow the video at that website) claim that they have used the technique successfully even when they do not have a background in hypnosis, NLP or girls psychology.
Now if you are female and you just realized that there were instances where you have developed strong feelings for a man rather quickly (in a couple of minutes upon meeting him for the first time and flirting with you), chances are that the technique has been used on you. Be aware!
Fractionation Seduction In A Nutshell
Fractionation used in seduction, in one sentence, is the usage of hypnosis to develop strong rapport with a woman emotionally in order to seduce her. The full description of the technique is out of scope here (watch the video in the link above), but in short it involves following a sequence of steps that are subtle enough but yet is highly effective.
Imagine noticing a woman that fits into your criteria – a woman with a beautiful face and gorgeous curves. If previously you would think that she was out of your league, but if the fractionation technique is in your seduction arsenal then you’ll be a contender.
You would approach the girl to pick her up confidently, look deep into her eye, and deliver your approach opener. The tone of your voice is deep, your choice of words is hypnotic, and your body language confident.
You will be on the fast track to dating success with this technique… it is indeed really powerful stuff. If you want to learn more about this technique, enter your email address in the form below –
Caution. This method is controversial, and because of this I want to control how this is shared across the web. And for this reason I figured that I will manually email the technique out personally, but I reserve the right not to share it with anyone at my discretion. If I am not sharing the video anymore I will send you a short email telling you this and I won’t email you again.