Like you, I’ve been trying to look for the best method on how to seduce a woman with words and nothing else. It had been a quest that had taken me a good couple of years…
The truth is that there are certain lines or routines which you can use on a woman which will make her fall in love with you. These have been kept secret for a long, long time…
…and today, you’re going to learn what this secret from me.
Excited? I sure hope you are, because from this point in your life onward, seducing women will be as easy as shooting fishes in a barrel. Not kidding at all.
Table of Contents
However, before I share with you this particular “verbal seduction” technique (which I have used again and again to tremendous success), I want you to understand this very fundamental truth about women in particular…
For a woman to be happy with a man, she wants to be controlled and dominated by him.
And you know what… this is as nature intended, because women are programmed psychologically to want to be led when it comes to matters of the heart.
Of course, in this day and age of political correctness, the idea of “women want to be led and controlled” can be particularly offensive to some people…
… but frankly, I don’t give a shit because this is the truth, and the truth needs to be told.
At this point, I gotta caution you this though…
This “How To Seduce A Woman With Words” guide is quite comprehensive, and somewhat lengthy which means that it can be quite difficult to remember EVERYTHING after you read it.
To help you out, I’ve created a “Cheat Sheet” which contains everything you need to know in a simple, point-by-point format. Once you’ve downloaded this PDF document, you can refer as a “quick refresher” to it whenever you want to use the technique on a woman.
Just leaf through this gorgeous PDF and know everything you need to know without having to worry if you forgot anything important.
Download the “Cheat Sheet” here:
This “Cheat Sheet” is yours free on one condition: when you’re done downloading it, please avoid sharing it with other people. If you’d like to pass this knowledge on to your friends, just send them the link to this page. Alright? 🙂
How To Seduce Women With (Nothing But) Words
Alright, with that out of the way, let’s get back to the original subject of seducing women with nothing but words…
What I am going to share with you is a special set of lines or routines which have been proven time and again to turn an independent woman to a docile little kitty which is completely subservient to you.
Now I want you to imagine that special someone that you want to attract. Picture her clearly in your mind… as if she’s right in front of you.
Now imagine how she looks at you with what they call the “doggie dinner bowl” look on her face. You know, with big, trance-like eyes and a head tilted on the side… just like a little puppy yearning for his dinner.
Imagine that she obeys you completely, looks up to you and yearns for your approval and affection.
Feels great, right?
What if I tell you that this is entirely possible, and well within your grasp within a couple of days from now?
Of course, this may sound too overly fantastic, and yet it is true. I know this, because I have experienced it firsthand myself…
…and I tell ya, it really feels like nothing else in the world.
And guess what, you can achieve the same thing using what I am going to share with you next. Exciting, isn’t it?
Now you may think that I am going to talk about pickup lines or Pickup Artist style “opener routines” or other stuff that you may have found elsewhere, but you’d be wrong.
Well, let me tell you this…
I hate Pickup Artists and think that they are the scum of the earth.
Why do I loathe them so much? Well… it’s because they peddle lame tricks which are pretty much as useless as a pair of tits on a nun.
So, do yourself a favor and forget about stupid Pickup Artist tricks. Instead, what you’re going to learn here is how to seduce women using military strength Mind Control.
Specifically, you’ll learn about a particularly powerful Mind Control technique which will pretty much “brute force” a woman’s mind to develop a strong affinity to you.
Before that, I would recommend that you attend an online Masterclass where you’ll get a quick bootcamp on how to use Mind Control to quickly attract, seduce and enslave a woman.
Enter your email address here for an exclusive invite –

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Watch the Masterclass and then come back. I can wait. Seriously… it will kick your game up a whole notch. Trust me on this.
Done watching the Masterclass? Great… now let’s get on with the regular program 🙂
Before I tell you about the specific Mind Control trick that will give you the superpowers to seduce any woman you want, let’s switch gears a little and talk about a very important Mind Control concept…
Have you wondered what makes Mind Control more effective than Pickup Artist tricks?
The reason is this – there are “Hidden Addictions” inside every woman’s mind, and these “Addictions” are weaknesses that you can exploit to make a woman subservient to you.
And you know what… the only way to access these weaknesses is to use Mind Control.
This means that if you are a master of Mind Control techniques, you’ll be able to exploit the physical vulnerabilities inside a woman’s mind whenever and whenever you want.
Sounds great, right?
Inside Derek Rake’s Shogun Method (reviewed here) there is a complete list of a woman’s psychological vulnerabilities which you can exploit to make her completely surrender to you, but in this article we will only touch on one specific vulnerability.
It turns out that every single woman (with no exception) is vulnerable emotionally in one very specific way:
The female brain has a Hidden Addiction to emotional roller coasters and drama.
Let me explain…
Have you ever wondered why women seem to like watching soap operas on TV? They get addicted to that stuff even though they make them bawl their eyes out with sappy story lines and shit.
The same thing goes with chick flicks like the ultra sentimental “Me Before You”, cringingly sappy songs by Air Supply or the rows and rows of Mills & Boon romance novels lining up at Barnes and Noble. Why are women addicted to cheeseball shit like that?
Take a wild guess… I’ll reveal the answer next. 🙂
Meanwhile, watch this short video and you’ll be miles ahead of the pack when it comes to seducing women verbally –
Click on the Play button in the middle, and don’t forget to turn on the volume!
Emotional Roller Coasters
Here’s the answer to the question I asked you in the previous question: those romance novels, songs, TV shows and movies have one thing in common, and it is this…
They take the reader or viewer through an emotional roller coaster, forcing her to go through a repeated cycle of happiness and sadness along the story line.
When a woman goes through an intense emotional roller coaster, she builds an emotional connection with the story, and by extension, the story teller.
What I’m going to tell you next is exactly how you can seduce a woman using nothing but words, so pay close attention, alright?
Similarly, you can build an intense emotional connection with a woman if you bring her through an emotional roller coaster by making her feel happy, sad and happy again in quick succession.
In short, you can “replicate” the Soap Opera Effect with a woman in order to make a woman feel emotionally invested with and addicted to you!
Amazing, isn’t it?
How To Seduce A Woman With Fractionation
So how do you replicate this Soap Opera Effect with a woman and make her emotionally addicted to you then?
Pretty simple, actually… with a very special Mind Control technique called Fractionation.
Here’s a little background about the technique. Fractionation is an age-old technique which is used by hypnotherapists to make their clients go into trance quickly. Its use in seduction is fairly recent, and dates back only a couple of years ago when Derek Rake found that it could also be used to make a woman develop emotional rapport quickly with a woman.
So here’s how you can use Fractionation to build a quick emotional connection with a woman…
The first step is to make her recall an experience she had which made her happy.
For example, you can ask her:
“Think back to an instance when you feel especially happy, joyful and ecstatic. What happened? How did you feel?”
Make her describe the experience as vividly and as detailed as possible. Remember… you want her to re-experience the joy she had felt at the TOP of the emotional roller coaster.
Then, similarly ask her about a negative experience:
“Do you remember a time when you felt especially depressed, sorrowful or sad? What happened to you then? How did you feel?”
Again, get her to describe that experience in vivid detail. You want her to re-experience the sadness she had felt at the BOTTOM of the emotional roller coaster.
Then, bring her back up by telling her a happy story or experience yourself. See her lighten up considerably… and then BAM, hit her with a sad story.
See how it works? Quite easy, right?
With enough emotional roller coaster cycles, you’ll trick her brain into developing a quick emotional rapport with you. If you do this long enough with her, she’ll soon be addicted to you… just like how she can’t resist watching chick flicks and soap operas.
Crazy powerful, don’t you think?
Now do you understand why Mind Control is so much better than lame Pickup Artist stuff when it comes to attracting and seducing women? 🙂
Before you go on a “seduction rampage” and use Fractionation on every Tina, Doris and Hannah you see, I’ve got to warn you something though…
As powerful as Fractionation can be, it also has the ability to completely mess a woman up if you’re not careful.
After all, if you overdo it (and it’s VERY easy to overdo), you’ll possibly harm a woman’s psyche in a very bad way.
Therefore, before you use Fractionation (or any Mind Control technique) on a woman, please do not harbor malicious intentions.
Trust me… karma can be a real bitch!
On the other hand, if you have nothing but honest intentions to make women happy to be with you, then Mind Control is the surest and fastest way to achieve tremendous success with women, bar none.
For an online Masterclass on how to use Mind Control techniques to make women fall in love with you, click on this button below.
All the best!
-F. Sedona
I want to use Mind Control on women. Show me how.
Thank you for the cheat sheet… very handy. Gotta admit, I suffer from “analysis paralysis” and this is the perfect antidote. I’ve printed it out and carried it whenever I needed a refresher. Fractionation is the best seduction technique there is – hands down!
You’re welcome, Calvin. I’m glad you liked the Cheat Sheet!
I want unlimited power and control over women!
What do you think of Shogun Method?
Awesome, thank you for the tips. Learning how to attract women can be pretty tricky… there’s just so much CONFLICTING information out there. Thank you for clearing shit up!
Love the article. Got a question though. How do I seduce a woman over text when I can’t go and see her physically? We are doing the long distance thing, and I need to seduce her as quickly as I can. She’s surrounded by lots of hunks (Cal State Poly) and I need to seal the deal quick. Thanks.
Good stuff. Is there a guide somewhere on how to seduce women that I can download? You know, in PDF so that I can print for posterity…
B. H.
Who doesn’t?
I hate to say this but a guy I knew from work used this on me and I could never stop thinking about him. Fuck it. I want the same power for myself OVER men.
Love it. Fractionation works, period.
it was helpful but I need more tips
Though haven’t read it but I believe in it.