WARNING: Some may find the techniques contained within this article to be manipulative. If you are offended by the usage of covert persuasion and female psychology “loophole” techniques in seduction then please stop reading now.
Do you want to learn the easiest female submission techniques that you can use to make girls addicted to you like never before? Well, let’s start by stating the fact that, in the world of dating, guys generally tend to give up all of their powers in order to attract an attractive girl. Unfortunately, gorgeous and hot girls do not respect guys who run after them and act like they are inferior to them.
Because of this, you might want to change things up a bit. Overall, using female submission techniques to make girls addicted to you can be quite tricky; but if you improve yourself and use the right female submission techniques, you can definitely succeed in this department. Here are several effective female psychology techniques that you can use to get what you want in no time:
Female Submission Techniques – How To Dominate Women
- Technique Number One: Master non-verbal “alpha male” tricks

Your body language would actually be one of the most vital things that you have to concentrate on when you are around your dream girl. Since communication mostly consists of non-verbal cues, it would be incredibly important to use your body language in the right way in order to attract her. You should also be very careful of the signals that you send when you are with her.
So, as much as possible, display the body language of an alpha male whenever you are around the girl that you like. The goal here would be to simply make her feel inferior to you instead of the other way around. This is also the quickest way to get a woman to want to be your girlfriend.
One of the easiest ways to get her addicted to you, though, would be to send her mixed signals through the tone of your voice, your actual words and your body language. Also, make sure that you are different compared to all of the other guys out there who are trying to catch her eye. This will make you stand out and get her to notice you faster.
- Technique Number Two: Get her emotionally addicted to you.
Aside from catching a girl’s eye, you will also have to successfully create a strong emotional bond with her if you really want her to become addicted to you. To do this, you have to master controlling the feelings of a girl. See, if you aren’t able to get through to her through her feelings, then you will never get her to obey your orders, either. Remember: girls are very different from guys, so you will have to get in touch with her innermost feelings if you want to win her over like never before.
The easiest way to get a girl to be addicted to you is to use fractionation. Known as the technique that master seducers use as a “last resort”, it’s not for the faint-hearted. To learn more about a seduction formula that uses fractionation to quickly attract women, go to https://fractionationformula.com/private/
- Technique Number Three: Be an unpredictable force in her life.
Another one of the most effective female submission techniques out there would be to keep a girl guessing. Do not be the “nice guy”. Be a real challenge. If you want to get a girl extremely addicted to you, make her want to learn more about you. Be mysterious. Be vague. Play hard-to-get, if not impossible-to-get. This will tickle her curiosity and make her want to get to know you better.
Of all these female submission tricks, none work better than fractionation. Read about the technique in my previous blog posts – here and here.
yes i want to have control on woman
Let’s just say I’m a control enthusiast. There’s a fine line & technique a man should master regarding his implementation of letting a dame know he is superior to her. MOST gals are accepting of it & invite it.
Good stuff! Here’s my take-
1. Be affirmative
2. Make decisions -> Tip, have her make options you chose from. E.g Which movies do you like to see, and then you chose one. Easy way to enforce your choice.
3. Be someone she wants to follow. e.g. not jump out on a cliff because your poor af and make shitty decisions. but because you make good quality decisions, control your life and your emotions and your friends look up to you.
4. Be masculine.
5. Dont compete with her submissiveness.
Whoa @Chris I did not know those things meant he was being dominant. I just thought he was being sexy and making my life easy. Except for number two – he gives me choices, I get to pick. So I get a safe pick, because the bad options are already filtered out, and I’m not anxious because I know he’ll be cool with my pick. I never have to worry about what he really means or wants, because he won’t suggest something he doesn’t actually want. I don’t know whether he’s doing this as a strategy or if it’s just coincidence, I’m very happy in the relationship though, so if it’s a strategy I guess that’s for him to worry about.
Small steps with no worry regard if I am doing something wrong. I need to build my confidence.
As a woman who has been on the other side of this advice I feel very sad to read it. This behaviour is exactly what my ex boyfriend used to do and it felt very unsafe, hurtful and extremely confusing to be at the receiving end of it. I started doubting my own judgement and had to go to therapy. There’s also the same kind of advice for women on how to manipulate a man, and it’s creating so much harm in relationships. Please just be genuine, open, vulnerable. 🙏