A lot of shy men who don’t have a lot of experience in the dating world usually wonder how they can learn how to talk to women with ease. While it may be easy to talk to women, in general, it can be hard to talk to a gorgeous one, most of all if you want to win her approval and get her to like you in the end.
An easy “shortcut” would be fractionation (read about the technique here), but it’s useful to establish some foundational techniques which will give you good results right off the bat. Continue reading…
How To Talk To Girls – Overcoming Approach Anxiety
Fortunately, it is possible to get over the anxiousness that you feel around gorgeous women. You just have to practice a lot. Does this sound scary to you? Are you worried about rejection? Are you worried that you will look like a stalker? Don’t fret. As long as you have the right attitude in the right social scene, then none of those things will happen. As such, all you really need to do is learn how to talk to women in different social scenarios.
In Bars or Clubs

Without a doubt, the most gorgeous women can be found in bars or clubs. This is why so many men flock to these places to talk to women and pick them up in the first place. Unfortunately, these are also the hardest places to pick women up because they know exactly what men’s intentions are when they are there and thus keep their guard up.
Since these women are already prepared for men to approach them and hit on them, one of the most effective things you can do is bring that up in conversation. Talk to one of your friends within earshot of a woman and then ask her what she thinks about pickup lines. This is sure to lead to a good conversation and can eventually escalate to an even better one – click here to read about a technique on how to do this well.
At Parties or Weddings
It is much easier to talk to women at parties or weddings because they are friendlier in these scenarios. It is also easier to strike up a conversation with women in these cases. Just ask her how she knows the host or make some jokes about the host, for example. It’s that easy.
You have to be careful and make sure that you don’t sound like you are interviewing her, though. Avoid questions that can be answered with “yes” or “no” and avoid factual questions, too. Ideally, you should ask her questions on concepts, thoughts, ideas and feelings instead. Ask her if she has any funny stories about the host and don’t forget to tease her every now and then.
In Bookstores or Grocery Stories
Depending on the woman’s mood, it can either be easy or hard to talk to a woman in these places. The good news is that women do not expect men to approach them in these places, so you can use the lamest opening line possible and it won’t really matter. The bad news is that women might not want to meet people in these places. So, if she responds in a negative way, then fall back and move on.
If she responds in a positive manner, though, just start a friendly yet interesting conversation and try to build attraction and rapport slowly but surely. And a good way to do this is to use fractionation – the “secret” techniques that master seducers use to make women fall in love with them quickly.
A good video on how to use fractionation to seduce women is here – watch the video.
WARNING: You might be tempted to misuse this technique to manipulate women psych0logically to fulfill your needs. Word from the wise: DON’T.
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